Tailored Investment Solutions
Our professional investment advisers can offer you a premium service if you prefer a tailor-made investment portfolio. Your money will be invested into high quality managed funds from a broad range of fund managers both locally in New Zealand and globally that have been independently researched and measured against strict criteria. Your portfolio will be actively managed to deliver superior long term returns.

Building the right solution for you
Your financial adviser will work closely with you to take you through the following process. They’ll deliver a tailored solution that meets your individual requirementsPhase 1: Understanding
Understand your wealth objectives, preferences, risk tolerance and risk capacity.
Phase 2: Investment strategy
Create a tailored investment strategy and strategic asset allocation that reflects these goals and appetite for risk most appropriately.
Phase 3: Fund selection
Select the best-of-breed fund managers in each asset class aligned to your requirements.
Phase 4: Portfolio construction
Construct and maintain a customised portfolio that is in line with this investment strategy, and optimally positioned for current market conditions.
Phase 5: Reporting and Review
Regular reporting on your portfolio, tactical asset allocation as required and annual reviews. Online access to your portfolio so that you can review your investments at any time
Strategic Asset Allocation
Fund Manager Research
When researching funds we review key elements of the investment process and our investment consultants conduct interviews with key people responsible for investment decisions.
Your adviser will select the best-of-breed funds for your customised investment portfolio.
- The investment manager's ownership structure
- Team experience
- Decision-making framework
- Risk and compliance procedures
- Quality of the manager including culture and skill in being able to apply the investment process
- An analysis of operations